Our campaign collaborators help spread the Pool Safely message and are vital to our water safety efforts. This section allows you to learn more about our collaborators, become a collaborator, or order educational materials.
Meet Our Collaborators
Pool Safely collaborators are national water safety organizations, family foundations, pool and spa manufacturers and everyone in between. They promote the drowning prevention message by sharing simple steps that save lives and playing a visible role in campaign initiatives, events and announcements.
Meet our campaign collaborators >
Become a Collaborator
The Pool Safely campaign welcomes the involvement of new collaborator organizations that are dedicated to water safety at one of three levels of engagement. Collaborators benefit by having access to campaign materials, participating in events and receiving regular messaging and campaign updates from Pool Safely.
Join Us >
Collaborator Toolkit
Please download our collaborator toolkit for resources you need to spread the word about Pool Safely at summer events, on your website, on social media and/or during media interviews. Included are social media-ready images, as well as campaign messages and new data points you can copy and paste in your communications.
Download the Collaborator Toolkit >
Collaborator Materials
The Pool Safely campaign has created a number of resources that help collaborator organizations share the ‘Simple Steps Save Lives’ message with families. Check out our catalog of educational materials and order what you need for your events! You can also find relevant legal information in the Legal Library.
View the Materials >